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Unibep Group Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct sets business standards and best practices in relations with business partners and internal relations in force in all Unibep Group companies.

The Unibep Group bases its operations on three values: knowledge, passion and trust. These values form the basis for transparent and fair business conducted in accordance with applicable laws and internal regulations. The quality of activities carried out and goods manufactured is the result of cooperation in a spirit of tolerance, balance, honesty, respect for human rights and security. The Unibep Group Code of Conduct is the starting point for other regulations in the Group and coexists with them. All other internal Group policies take into account the principles contained in the Code. The Code sets out basic principles for specific areas of ethical behaviour, failure to apply which results in disciplinary consequences or even termination of employment.

The Code applies to all Unibep Group employees working under an employment contract or any other civil law relationship.

All employees are required to read the document and comply with the rules contained therein.

The Unibep Group Code of Conduct has been developed to indicate models of attitudes and rules of conduct for employees in their relations with one another, business partners, shareholders, public institutions and local communities in the areas where the Group companies operate. It defines the principles and values followed by Unibep Group employees and sets out their basic powers and duties.

The Code defines basic principles and canons of behaviour in the following areas:

  • Respect for the law and ethical values
  • Human rights
  • Equal treatment and prohibition of discrimination, harassment and workplace bullying
  • Anti-corruption, anti-fraud activities
  • Preventing money laundering
  • Respecting the principles of fair competition
  • Principles regarding conflicts of interest
  • Gifts, souvenirs, entertainment and other gratuitous benefits
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Environmental commitments
  • Reporting violations and irregularities.