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The aspect of diversity and equal opportunities is very important in the Unibep Group’s operation in the labour market. Activities that promote diversity help us create a creative workplace and build effective teams that complement each other. An important part of the implementation of the diversity principles is creating the right atmosphere at work so that employees feel valued and respected, with the opportunity to develop and fully realise their professional potential.

The Unibep Group has documents in place that address and guarantee respect for diversity and equal opportunities. These include:

  1. Unibep Corporate Collective Labour Agreement
  2. Work regulations in all other Group companies
  3. Unibep Group Code of Conduct

The Company has not developed a uniform diversity policy document.


Diversity of employees and management bodies

Management BoardTOTALwomenmen
under 300%0%0%
between 30 and 5058%8%50%
over 5042%0%42%
senior managementTOTALwomenmen
under 300%0%0%
between 30 and 5073%23%50%
over 5027%2%25%
middle managementTOTALwomanmen
under 307%2%4%
between 30 and 509%1%8%
over 5084%15%69%
under 3027%6%20%
between 30 and 5064%17%48%
over 509%0%9%
under 3034%19%15%
between 30 and 5057%35%23%
over 509%2%6%
blue-collar workersTOTALwomenmen
over 3015%0%15%
between 30 and 5053%0%53%
over 5032%0%32%
Ratio of standard entry level wage compared to minimum wageWomenMenTotal average
Podlasie market110%120%115%
Mazovian market138%157%147%