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The Unibep Group’s energy demand is mainly driven by:
the functioning and operation of the Unihouse S.A. modular house production plant and the Bitumen Production Plant at the Infrastructure Branch of Unibep S.A,
administrative activities,
the use of company vehicles
the operation of machinery and equipment

The Group implements measures to reduce energy consumption, which include:

  • aiming to reduce electricity consumption during production processes,
  • consistent implementation of the plant modernisation plan, which results in reducing the energy intensity of the machinery park,
  • investments in renewable energy sources – photovoltaic panels were installed on two Unihouse S.A. buildings,
  • successive replacement of lighting and installation of movement detectors,
  • thermal modernisation of the Unihouse S.A. office building and the Unibep S.A. headquarters in Bielsk Podlaski,
  • optimisation of material transport through a network of in-house Bitumen Production Plants,
  • gradual replacement of vehicles and construction machinery with less energy- and emission-intensive ones,
  • consistent building and raising of environmental awareness among Unibep Group employees through: emphasis and focus on saving space, time and resources, and thus reducing energy consumption (such savings were introduced through measures such as allowing office employees to work remotely),
  • providing mass transport for employees,
  • development of low-carbon and sustainable construction technologies,
  • monitoring of indicators related to climate protection issues (e.g. water, electricity and heat consumption, wastewater generation, consumption of certain material groups, fuels (heating, technological and transport), measurement of air emissions from the Bitumen Production Plant).
Energy consumption is monitored in every project and every permanent location in all Unibep Group companies.

Energy consumption in the organisation in 2021

  • Unit of measureConsumption
    Total non-renewable energy consumption (purchased and internally sourced)and types of fuel used
    LPG (propane-butane)Litr
    Natural gas and coke-oven gasm314,910
    ON (Diesel oil)t1,095
    PB (petrol)Litr367,907
    Light fuel oilt254
    Heavy fuel oilt1,025
    Wood and wood residuest50
    Total energy consumptionGJ114,138
  • Data for the reported yearUnit of measureConsumption
    Total renewable energy consumption
    Geothermal energyGWh                                   –
    (GJ)                                   –
    Wind energyGWh                                   –
    (GJ)                                   –
    Photovoltaic energyGWh                               0.008
    (GJ)                                  29
    HydropowerGWh                                   –
    (GJ)                                   –
    Energy from biomass combustionGWh                                   –
    (GJ)                                   –
    BiofuelsGWh                                   –
    (GJ)                                   –
    Other source – specify(please enter below)GWh                                   –
    (GJ)                                   –
    Total energy consumptionGJ                           29
  • Data for the reported yearUnit of measureConsumption
    Total consumption:
    Heat energyGWh16
    Energy for coolingGWh
    Total consumptionGJ132,789
    Total energy consumption within the organisationGJ246,956

The Unibep Group did not sell energy in 2021.

The Unibep Group treats all purchased energy utilities as direct consumption. Electricity consumed by subcontractors is also treated as direct consumption, as the Group does not have mechanisms to split electricity consumed between subcontractors and other Group companies. The energy purchased by the Investor and consumed for the needs of projects is also considered as energy consumption in the whole organisation.

The Group does not have information in respect of electricity consumption in 2021 for Unihouse S.A.’s overseas assembilies, however by streamlining the monitoring process, this data will be available in future years.


Energy intensity

The energy efficiency ratio in 2021 is 104.32 GJ/million of revenue.

The following types of energy are taken into account in the calculation of energy intensity: fuel used for heating and technological purposes, fuel used for the fleet, purchased electricity, purchased heat energy.